Marketing Map

“Marketing Map gives you a valuable starting point and a clear destination for your sales efforts.”

Understanding your customers is essential to the success of your business. Many companies, however, don’t take the time to understand their customers. Our Marketing Map service helps companies define their customers and qualify prospects. Marketing Map defines your “ideal customer” and utilizes the latest software and list resources to simplify prospecting and enable you to invest marketing dollars where they’ll produce the best results.


Developing a Marketing Map:

  • We review your current customer information and compare it to national databases, incorporating additional demographic information to enrich your data.
  • We conduct marketing surveys with 50 of your top clients to profile these preferred customers, verify their data, and determine opportunities for growth.
  • We compare this profile to your existing prospect database, to help qualify leads and highlight those who match your ideal customer profile.
  • We apply this profile to third party marketing lists, to build a prospect list that matches your ideal customer profile and provides your sales team with highly qualified prospects.


The Marketing Map provides you with the direction you need to focus your energies on only the most profitable sales. With Marketing Map, you’ll gain:

  • A better understanding of your best customers
  • A richer customer database and a highly qualified prospect database
  • The ability to develop quality prospect lists and filter out accounts that don’t fit
  • A simplified prospecting process, enabling you to invest your selling time and marketing dollars where they’ll produce the best results